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Coal columnar activated carbon for the purification of toxic gases




Coal columnar activated carbon used in the purification of toxic gases, waste gas treatment, industrial and domestic water purification treatment, solvent recovery, etc.. And is widely used in various aspects of agricultural production, such as petrochemical industry CAUSTIC-FREE (refined mercaptan), ethylene desalted water (refined filler), catalyst (palladium, platinum, rhodium, etc.), water purification and sewage treatment; power plant water treatment and protection of the electric power industry; chemical industry chemical catalyst and carrier, gas purification, solvent recovery and oil decolorization, refining; food beverage industry, wine, liquorAnd foodmsgrefining, decolorization; gold extraction solution, recovery of gold industry; environmental protection industry wastewater treatment, waste gas and harmful gas treatment, gas purification; cigarette filter tipwood flooringmoisture, suction control taste, automotive gasoline evaporation pollution and related industries, various impregnating agent such as liquid preparation. Activated carbon in the future there will be an excellent development prospects and broad sales market.